Eurojuris Magazine


Seeking a social media supremo

Post stories across your social media platforms and win a place on the #EurojurisInternational hashtag leaderboard (Image: Thomas Ulrich @Pixabay)

Do you have sharply honed social media skills?  A real mover and shaker on all the platforms?

Are you always liking on LinkedIn, favouriting on Facebook and tagging on Twitter?  Or maybe you’ve moved on to the visual platforms, and are seeking out imaginative imagery for your Instagram stories or filming footage to talk things up on TikTok?

Whichever your favoured platform, the race is on to find the most prolific poster in the Eurojuris family, the member who is the biggest cheerleader for the network on social media.  

For each post to count, it must include the hashtag #EurojurisInternational – or #Eurojuris if the character count is a problem – or a link to one of the EJI social media feeds or website. 

So don’t hold back, start sharing and hash tagging as we count up the mentions and get ready to name the network’s social media supremo at this year’s Congress in Madrid.  

If you’re looking for some Instagram ‘inspo’ or some tales to tell on Twitter, then the perfect starting point is to visit our social media feeds: 

Twitter                 LinkedIn               Facebook            Instagram

The news stories on the Eurojuris International website will also be a great way to see what’s happening with network friends, connections and colleagues and to share this with your wider professional and business networks.

“This is intended to introduce some light hearted competition in the run-up to this year’s Congress,” explained Kathryn Paisley, Eurojuris board member for communication and social media and a partner with Rix & Kay Solicitors in the UK.  “But along the way, you are likely to be learning about your colleagues in the network, and the bigger picture of what is planned for Eurojuris in future. 

“Communication and sharing is at the heart of the network, and this is a great way to demonstrate that, so don’t be shy!” 


Share your experiences of the network with the hashtag #EurojurisInternational (Image: Foundry Co @Pixabay)

Kathryn Paisley, Eurojuris board member for communication and social media

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