Eurojuris Magazine


Twenty years of being a young man: the anniversary of Jurismus is coming

Twenty years of being a young man: the anniversary of Jurismus is coming

Eurojuris' young lawyers network is celebrating its twentieth anniversary – an occasion to ask about how the network was created.

He is a figure of a young lawyer's network and is almost 40 years old: Nikolaus Geiben (EJ Germany) is about to reach the age limit for a Jurismus member, but 20 years ago he was there when the first stone was laid.

“I was nineteen,” Nikolaus recounts. “I was still at school, not even a law student yet! But I already knew what career I wanted. I met with Christian Duvieusart, the son of one of Eurojuris' founding fathers, and we decided to call other young European lawyers and get together for the first time.” The project of a youth version of Eurojuris was already planned but this is how it took a more decisive shape.

The very first document that attests to the existence of Jurismus is a type-written note from the board, dated 1994. One copy was found in the archives of Eurojuris France. Originally, the concept was an exchange program. It then grew into its very own network. “This is what we celebrate this year,” explains Nikolaus. “We consider this document to be the first foundation of our network and we consider its date to be the anniversary of Jurismus.”

Nikolaus was also there when the very first Jurismus programme was typed up. “We used our very first laptop to do that! It shows you how times have changed in just twenty years of existence.” Jurismus will celebrate its anniversary between 12 and 15 June in Luxembourg, with conferences about European law and speakers from the banking world, along with dinners at a brewery and visits of the city's medieval heritage sites.

When asked about the formula for the success of the network, Nikolaus points out how Jurismus was tailor-made for younger lawyers. “I insisted from the start on our events being affordable for even the tightest of budgets, because beginners in our trade have a much lower income than their elders and we want all of our members to be able to come. The challenge is to organise an event that will be comparable to its senior counterpart without trespassing the low threshold we fixed for our budget.” To achieve this, Jurismus books smaller venues. “We are never afraid to go for more humble bars or hotels,” explains Nikolaus. “And it works very well because younger lawyers enjoy the conviviality of such places; it matches their younger tastes. It also favours bonding between them. And that makes us different from other congresses.” So don't hesitate to join the party... at least, if you are still young enough to be a Jurismusser!

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